K-Pop singer Lee Jihan died in Seoul stampede


South Korean actor-singer Lee Jihan died in the deadly Halloween 2022 stampede in Seoul's Itaewon district.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Lee Jihan was Just 24.

White Lightning

935 Entertainment, the agency that handled Lee Jihan's work has confirmed the News.

 “Actor Lee Jihan, a precious family member of 935 Entertainment and 9 Ato Entertainment, has become a star in the sky and left us.

White Lightning

We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to his family, who are in deep grief due to the sudden demise of the actor.”

 “Lee Jihan was a sweet and warm friend to all. We can't believe that we won't be able to see the infinitely bright and innocent actor Ji-han who always smiled and greeted us anymore.”

White Lightning
White Lightning

More than 150 people were killed in the Itaewon crush, and at least 132 others are believed to have been injured, with 37 in critical condition.