DC Reveals The Dark Reason Why Superman Doesn't Wear A Mask?

While training a new superhero who is still coming into his own identity, Superman just revealed the dark reason why he wears no mask as a hero.


Kal-El shares with Boy Thunder that he doesn't wear a mask because he wants the people of Earth to trust him.

Without that trust, the planet could see an outsider with his sort of mind blowing powers as a significant danger.


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he DC Universe is loaded up with strong legends who stay quiet about their characters from people in general for various reasons. 

From Batman, The Glimmer, to the many Green Lights, wearing a cover to safeguard their actual self has for some time been important for business as usual.

In any case, there are exemptions, as characters like Marvel Lady and Aquaman, whose mysterious personalities are straightforwardly attached to their genuine personas and don't require security with a cover.

Yet, Superman is an alternate case. He is one of a handful of the legends who doesn't wear a cover for a dull explanation while figuring out how to keep his genuine character concealed for a period.

Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Steve Wands from DC Comics, Superman's new (and likely temporary) sidekick learns to control his powers alongside the Teen Titans as he gets his own moniker as Boy Thunder.

Later, the hero goes on a mission with Superman, where he learns an important lesson about hiding his secret identity.

The Man of Steel explains that the youngster will never have a private life without a mask. 

Superman says he takes "different steps to secure my identity" and that if he had one, it would give people the "slightest reason not to trust" him as they will fear him instead.

Ultimately, he wants to be a symbol of hope, and if he wore a mask and kept his secret identity, it would give Earth's inhabitants a reason not to trust him. 

Superman has earned the world's trust as its greatest hero.

What's Next?

Superman doesn't wear a mask for the dark reason he doesn't want people to fear him - which given his powers, makes perfect sense.